收到老外的链接买卖 营销软文邮件

收到老外的链接买卖 软文营销邮件

前一段时间,何苦呢的一个英文网站收到了一封老外的邮件,发件人自称叫Rebecca Davies,就职于More Digital,是一家英国网络营销公司。他们想在何苦呢的英文网站上进行链接买卖和软文营销。价格还算可以,一个全站文字连接价格是$120年,一篇软文(由他们代写,你只需发表文章即可)的价格是$150/篇(这个价格其实也不高,一般来讲新浪博客上的一些软文营销文章,很多也有这个价格,甚至更高)。但是,当何苦呢收到这封邮件的时候,潜意识提醒自己,这个很可能是骗子。但是,何苦呢无法拜托对于金钱的诱惑,另一方面也打算一探究竟,且看你有什么招数。


很快这位自称Rebecca Davies就又回复了何苦呢,告知了详细的合作事宜。何苦呢觉得还不够详细,也有一些疑问,就继续回复邮件咨询。何苦呢说:基本上,我很乐意和你们合作,但是咱虽然很想赚这个钱,但是一些不符合当地法律法规(自我审查来了)的内容/网站,或者会引起访问者不适/反感的内容的东东,例如:赌博啊 色情啊,私服啊(国外也有私服吧?)什么的,何苦呢会保留拒绝的权利。

很快(其实很快意思是一天左右,毕竟大家有7-8小时的时差),Rebecca Davies桑又回复咱了,说这个你不用担心啊,和我们More Digital合作的都是一些大公司,所作所为完全符合法律,也不会违反什么道德底线什么的,你完全没有必要担心。


又是很快,Rebecca Davies桑,又回复咱了:”很抱歉啊 何苦呢桑,我们目前进行的project里,没有适合您的网站的clients哦,如果你不介意的话,我继续保持你的联系方式,并且罚你的网站放到我的的“list”里面,以后有机会合作,咱再通知你,好不?然后你,何苦呢桑,你或者你的朋友什么的有不错的网站的话,也可以推荐他们给咱More Digital的哦。

ps:如果大家有英文网站,而又把域名wohis信息隐藏了,那么建议大家还是在网站上挂一个“contact me”,写上联系的邮箱吧。也许,有不速之客找上你也不一定。

收到老外的链接买卖 营销软文邮件


附上两封邮件:来自[email protected]

Hi xxx,
I work for More Digital; a UK based Digital Marketing Consultancy.
We represent clients interested in social media marketing on smaller sites with little or no existing advertising and we’re currently looking for advertising partners.
We pay a fixed upfront annual fee which we will agree on with you. Once the ad is in place, payment is made within approximately 48 hours.
Would you be interested in placing a small text-based ad on xxxx?
Kind regards,
Rebecca Davies
[email protected]

Thanks for getting back to me!
We have two options regarding the type of advertising that we offer
Option 1) Sitewide Blogroll Text
The advert will be text, not a visual banner. It will be a sitewide advert and appear on all pages of your website. It is usually placed in the ‘blogroll’ or navigation section of your website. We would offer you $120 for a year’s placement.
Option 2) New page on your site
Our team of content writers will create an entirely new page that will be tailored to fit with the current content of the site. We will make sure that you agree with how the new page has been put together before asking you to place it live on your site. We would offer you $150 for a year’s placement.
We aim to complete payment via secure payment partners Paypal or Moneybookers within 48 hours of the advert going live on your site.
You may view our terms and conditions here: www.moredigital.com/terms.pdf
If you are interested, we would refer your site to our client team to choose the best match for your site and draft the text for your review and approval.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,



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以上就是收到老外的链接买卖 营销软文邮件全文。

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6 Responses to 收到老外的链接买卖 营销软文邮件

  1. icoony says:

    我收到了这封邮件…但是不是看的很明白他们的广告形式,就演示网站来看,就是增加一篇软文,其中确保软文中由他们客户的文字连接,比如 XXX这里买什么真的很实惠 之类的话。

  2. jamiexin says:


  3. 夜阑 says:


  4. 民工 says:


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